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Breakthrough in home dining!!!: Breakthrough in home dining!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Breakthrough in home dining!!!

Guess What?!! You know how you like to eat out at different places like Chili's, Applebee's and even get some coffee at starbucks?!! Well now the have a recipe book that contains so many recipes from various restaurants that tend to be peoples faves. I know that they're my favorites at least. Since i got the book i have saved a lot of money. My wife and I used to eat out a lot because we weren't the most creative cooks. Now we are able to make our favorite dine-out dishes for a fraction of the price, have the comfort of our home, and mostly we cant even tell the difference between what we make here and what they serve at our favorite restaurants. I encourage you to try it. Its money well spent. God Bless You. Let me know if you decided to try it!!!


Unknown said...

jchristopher, I love your blog!
I think I will be trying that cookbook, sounds like a way to keep the spending down, especially now when the colder months are upon us.
It nice to stay at home and enjoy a good meal.


Patrick said...


Unfortunately eating out is a past time that my new wife and I enjoy WAY too much! Especially here in Boston. It does not help the waist line or the wallett. Best of luck in the next few days as you await Josiah's arrival.

All our love,

P & MC

Kathy BK said...

Wow wow wow, God has so given you many talents and its wonderful to see you using them in a way that is pleasing to Him. Going to order the book after I write this..Can NEVER have tooo many recipes...Always cooking for someone and this sounds great....
Good Luck with your new venture and may God always be the center of it all...
